Friday, June 20, 2008

Go FAQ yourself!

This is the part of YaHaqq! open to the public. A place to leave comments, ask questions and point out flaws or just help out in general. We hope you enjoy the site.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful work sir! Consider the comments Tested

Anonymous said...

*strokes chin confusedly*

FAN said...

Thanks. Now how do we make these comments out in the open... I know that sounds silly being a 'secret' chiefs 3 site. Hmm?

FAN said...

Ok.. they are out... Can everyone see this?

Anonymous said...

Massive fan of your work. Just seen your latest update details @ WoM. Notice u relate 1GCABL themes in transliterated Arabic (???) - Do u (like me) observe their analogues in Hermetic Tradition? i.e. Human/Divine, 7 spheres (duh) etc. After all, Sphinxes = Egyptian motif.

FAN said...

What do you mean to ask by this:

"Notice u relate 1GCABL themes in transliterated Arabic (???)

The analogues are to be found in many traditions. I will be expanding on the common themes that run, like little rivers, into an Ocean.

Anonymous said...

Soz. Was blind drunk when I wrote that post. One of the words u used at WoM (Qubbat) - I assumed this was Arabic (or sth) in origin.

Looking forward to further exegeses.

Anonymous said...

Hello? Can I comment here?

FAN said...

Dear Soli; you are certainly welcome to post your comments here my friend. As for my dear namakemono, it is such an act of 'laziness' that leads us to drunkenness which further emphasizes our acedia. In answer to your question:

"One of the words you used at WoM (Qubbat) - I assumed this was Arabic…"

And to paraphrase what I mentioned at WoM:

"The seven spheres as concentric domes (qubbat)"

Qubbat is the Arabic transliteration of a term meaning 'dome' and this esoteric Islamic concept will be something very vital to the exegesis to the SC3 in relation to linear time, cyclical time and liturgical time that I will be introducing very soon to the First Grand Constitutions & Bylaws section in explanation of the front cover which depicts Seven spheres amidst two Sphinx and a Sunrise.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled here, stoned out of my mind, and here's all this meaning. I will return.

Anonymous said...

So Does anyone know what the "haqq" symbol means, the one with the eyes and the arrow, on the yahaqq main page. (Its called "Haqq.gif") Any more info would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

This work is much appreciated! Looking forward light being shined on the seven spheres.

FAN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FAN said...

The term haqq is Arabic for 'Truth'. I will soon put up an exegesis on the Haqq calligram in the 1st Grand Constitutions. Briefly; it is a mirror image of the word 'haqq' (in Arabic) configured in such a way that it is represented as a Archer's bow with arrow firmly in place. This generally has the symbolic function of the concept of 'aim' at 'Truth' (haqq), as it is the Goal of the Secret Chiefs 3 to aim at Truth, even if they fall short of that Target. As it has been used by T to represent an eye in various parts of the Secret Chiefs 3 artwork brings a pleroma of meaning to this calligraphy which I will elaborate on in the particular thread soon.

Anonymous said...

Will you tell me what written in the drop in the centre of one of the shirt designs? I guess that the snake is a world serpent or something along those lines.

FAN said...

The coiled serpent is the archetypal symbol of the Ouroboros. In this context it is Leviathan. There is much more to say on this and I will cover it in the Book of Horizon and Book of Souls sections much later because it is inseperably tied into everything else in this cosmology. There is a connotation to being in the 'belly of the beast' and Jonas being swallowed by the whale.

The shirt depicts the Tetragrammaton (יהוה) placed in an upright position to depict an anthropomorphism known in Hebrew Kabbalah as the Yosher (uprightness). The Leviathan acts as a circular barrier and the circumference of the Tzimtzum (contraction/restriction) around the Yosher. According to the Sefer Detzniyutha (Book of Secrets) the Yosher drips out from Leviathan's fangs as you can see He is depicted on the shirt.

Anonymous said...

First observation of the 3-4-5 triangle: Those squares match with the size of the pyramids, yes?

Looking forward to all that is pending.


FAN said...

The sum of the square roots derived from the measurements of the perpendicular + base will give the square root of the measurement taken from the hypotenuse in this formula:

3x3(9) + 4x4(16) = 5x5(25)

It is for this reason it is called the 3-4-5 Triangle.

taqdeermachen said...

Hello there. I'm a long time lurker at the "Word Of Mouth," as well as a big fan of the Secret Chiefs 3. A Lebanese friend of mine got me into this band, and coming at a time of what seemed like stagnant academic study of Islam, Secret Chiefs 3 seemed like a breath of fresh air, also an avenue to individuals like Henri Corbin whom I should have been studying! Anyhow, I'm glad someone is attempting an exegesis of the Secret Chiefs 3, I understand some reserve on your part to do so, and if discussions are ever in order, I sure wouldn't mind taking part in them, with your permission, naturally. Again, thank you for doing this, Mark

FAN said...

UR comments are most welcome taqdermachen; as is your input. I too have been involved in a 'stagnant academic study of Islam' in my time. Very fruitful I will say.. and not exhausted in the slightest :D

Henry Corbin is a major feature of YaHaqq, and I hope to flesh that out further in future 'ta'wil' for you all every-bodies.

Khodah Hafez Marq!

wajidpakistani said...

Wish you all the best

DJ Lardbarz said...

How are things coming along, Is this project still active? Looking forward to the essay on the sphere's and further exegesis.

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